How to Buy Architecture Books -Bookswagon

4 min readJun 9, 2021


The task of designing beautiful buildings and marvellous physical structures is not easy. It requires creative thinking and an out-of-the-box approach. It is a constant strive to be timeless. Throughout human history, architects have tried to provide meaning in their designs, which can outlast time. Famous architect Frank Lloyd once remarked,” The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own, we have no soul of our own civilization.” When architects design a building, they are not just creating physical structure; they are sculpting the face of humanity.

Thus, it becomes important that all architects, beginner or professional, choose the right guide. And what can be better than books? Buying the right architecture book to read can be difficult but we are here to help you.

You can start with some old instruction books. They were used as a guide by common people of their time. To know our present, we must be familiar with our past. Knowledge of classic architecture will prepare you for a better understanding of modern architecture. From classic details to designs, these timeless books are old gems. Some of these books include The Practical Builder by William Pain, A treatise on the decorative part of civil architecture by Sir Williams Chambers, Four Books of Architecture by Andrea Palladio and Rules for drawing several parts of architecture by James Gibbs.

Another important factor while searching for good books is affordability. Some of the best architecture books can cost thousands of rupees. If you have limited resources, look for some other options. For example, you can buy used books or look for students’ discounts. Some online stores provide special deals on a huge range of books, so don’t forget to take advantage of that.

Finally, it is important to know what you want to focus on. Architecture is a wide discipline and choosing the right book can be challenging. There is a wide variety of books on architecture such as books on design history, architectural styles or design, construction detailing, etc. So you need to know what you want. Are you interested in learning about the history of architecture or do you want to read something design-specific? This will help you to easily find the right book to enhance your knowledge.

In conclusion, there are plenty of good resources. No matter what you like, there is every type of book imaginable on architecture, even some good novels! All you have to do is make optimal use of these resources.

And don’t worry about the price. Thanks to the internet, you can find the best resources with just one click.

Incessant learning is the hallmark of an architect. To make sure that it never stops, a company of some good books is the best solution. They will make you learn, smile, think and reflect so that you can design those lofty buildings out there.The task of designing beautiful buildings and marvellous physical structures is not easy. It requires creative thinking and an out-of-the-box approach. It is a constant strive to be timeless. Throughout human history, architects have tried to provide meaning in their designs, which can outlast time. Famous architect Frank Lloyd once remarked,” The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own, we have no soul of our own civilization.” When architects design a building, they are not just creating physical structure; they are sculpting the face of humanity.

Thus, it becomes important that all architects, beginner or professional, choose the right guide. And what can be better than books? Buying the right architecture book to read can be difficult but we are here to help you.

You can start with some old instruction books. They were used as a guide by common people of their time. To know our present, we must be familiar with our past. Knowledge of classic architecture will prepare you for a better understanding of modern architecture. From classic details to designs, these timeless books are old gems. Some of these books include The Practical Builder by William Pain, A treatise on the decorative part of civil architecture by Sir Williams Chambers, Four Books of Architecture by Andrea Palladio and Rules for drawing several parts of architecture by James Gibbs.

Another important factor while searching for good books is affordability. Some of the best architecture books can cost thousands of rupees. If you have limited resources, look for some other options. For example, you can buy used books or look for students’ discounts. Some online stores provide special deals on a huge range of books, so don’t forget to take advantage of that.

Finally, it is important to know what you want to focus on. Architecture is a wide discipline and choosing the right book can be challenging. There is a wide variety of books on architecture such as books on design history, architectural styles or design, construction detailing, etc. So you need to know what you want. Are you interested in learning about the history of architecture or do you want to read something design-specific? This will help you to easily find the right book to enhance your knowledge.

In conclusion, there are plenty of good resources. No matter what you like, there is every type of book imaginable on architecture, even some good novels! All you have to do is make optimal use of these resources.

And don’t worry about the price. Thanks to the internet, you can find the best resources with just one click.

Incessant learning is the hallmark of an architect. To make sure that it never stops, a company of some good books is the best solution. They will make you learn, smile, think and reflect so that you can design those lofty buildings out there.




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